vhmake.exe is a main program to control the compilation process transforming a VHDL source code into Boolean equations. Its main tasks are: read compilation options, clear working directory after earlier compilations, making an initial list of files to be compiled (in the file: design.dgn) and calling other modules of the compiler with required options. Vhmake successively calls the following programs: lexical analyzer (vhdllex.exe), syntax analyzer (vhdlpars.exe), semantic analyzer (anseman.exe), Boolean equations generator (generato.exe), postprocessor (jaw.exe) and optimalizer (elim_tmp.exe). Below is a short list of all options of the vhmake program: vhmake.exe callled without any option, serches in a current directory for files with .vhd extension, creates a project file with a list of vhdl source files and compiles source code contained in these files and generates Boolean equations with -o option, vhmake SWITCHES ON, the optimization of generated equations is carried out with the elim_tmp.exe program. with -c option vhmake SWITCHES OFF equation generating, the program runs only a compilation (this option is usefull in a standalone package compilation) with -s option syntax checking is SWITCHED OFF, (by default ON), it is an internal compiler option and will be removed from afinal compiler version with -l option, SWITCHES ON, full encoding of STD_LOGIC values in a compiler is realized with -k option SWITCHES OFF, waiting for a key press after the execution of vhmake (by default on), option is useful for testing process with -p option treat next string after this option like a file with a project, in this file in following lines are written names of files with a .vhd extension from current directory chosen by user for example: a.vhd test.vhd empty.vhd Compiler, when called without -p option, also creates this file and places it in the subdirectory work/ with the name design.dgn Currently it is not possible to place compiled files in a directory other than a compiler directory. In addition to options presented above, it is also possible to create a list of .vhd files directly from command line, for example: vhmake.exe a.vhd test.vhd empty.vhd All presented options may be written in arbitrary order. Examples of vhmake use: vhmake -p design.prr -o -s tests.vhd only files listed in design.prr file will be compiled, optimization is on, checking syntax is off, the file tests.vhd will not be compiled vhmake -c t.vhd t2.vhd -k compilation only (without equations generation) of t.vhd and t2.vhd files, after compilation compiler doesn't wait for key press, Present version of vhmake is compiled with MSVisualC6.0 and DJGPP compiler (gcc).